Sabina Avosani

UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Trento

I am an Italian PhD candidate enrolled at the University of Trento, and I study the behavior of pest insects that emit vibrations to communicate. With this knowledge, I am trying to develop strategies to control insects' populations by means of species-specific vibrations transmitted to plants. I have always been interested in animal biology and ethology, and in how novel biotechnologies can provide a more sustainable food production.

I completed a Master Degree in Plant, Food and Agri-Environmental Biotechnologies. My thesis title was "Influence of microorganisms on the vibrational communication of two species of insects".

More information about my work: or find me on Linkedin!

PhD project: Vibrational interference with the mating behaviour of the meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius.

FEM Department and supervisor : Department of Sustainable ecosystems & bioresources, Dr. Valerio Mazzoni
