Rosalba Roccatello
Università degli Studi di Trento (C3A)
I come from Rovigo, which is located in the Italian North-East region of Veneto.
I completed my bachelor degree in Gastronomic Sciences at University of Parma. I worked in Vigo (Galizia, Spain) for two months to complete my thesis, whose title was "The role of gastronome in the institutions: partnership with CETMAR team as part of the European project Primefish".
Then, I completed my studies at University of Padua, having obtained my Master Degree in Italian Food and Wine. The title of my thesis was "Entomophagy: cultural history and future perspectives".
I am currently working on a project whose aim is to analyse Italian consumer’s perception, behaviour and preferences concerning the consumption of livestock fed with insects and insect-based products and to evaluate the meat quality of farming animals (fish and poultry) fed with insects and insect-based products.
Project title: Insects used as animal feed: sociological evaluation of Italian consumers preferences on fish and poultry fed with alternative feed.
Department and supervisor: Università di Trento, C3A, Prof. Eugenio Aprea.