Luca Da Ros

Libera UniversitĂ  di Bolzano

I am a PhD candidate enrolled at the Free University of Bolzano. I come from Vittorio Veneto, in north-east of Italy.

I did my studies at the University of Bologna with a bachelor degree in natural sciences in 2014, followed by a master's degree in Planning and management of agro-territorial, forestal and landscape ecosystems (2016).

Here at FEM I work in a permanent field-scale manipulation experiment (AnaEE) where we simulate increasing nitrogen depositions with a long-term canopy N-fertilization in two temperate forests, willing to provide better understating of direct N plant uptake by canopy and soil NO3-N leaching. To describe the fate of the applied N, stable isotope techniques are adopted. During my PhD I will verify the hypotheses that the canopy uptake under experimentally high N deposition, would be very high. This project will get insight into the effects of N depositions on forests, to develop scientific knowledge useful for future predictions of the response of these ecosystems to global change.

Supervisor: Dr. Mirco Rodeghiero

PhD project: Nitrogen addition above the forest canopy: an isotopic analysis to determine the fate of nitrogen deposition in a permanent field-scale manipulation experiment


Skype: lucadaros_92