Francesca Angela Lioce

Università degli Studi di Ferrara

I grew up in Puglia, a region in the South of Italy and at the age of 19 I moved to Bologna.

My passion for wildlife and nature protection inspired me to get a bachelor degree in Animal Production and Wildlife Management during which I did a one year Erasmus period in Córdoba (Spain); thesis tiltle is "Alien Species and Parasitic Invasions: the Case of Sylvilagus floridanus in Italy". After that I decided to continue my studies and complete my master degree in Sciences and Management of Nature; I did a four months internship at the Univeristy of Wageningen in the Netherlands. I was involved in a project and I wrote my thesis on a “Non-invasive genetic monitoring of a wild otter population in the Netherlands”. After that I got a one year position as Research Assistant at the Complutense Univeristy of Madrid and I worked on a project on avian genomics.

Currently I am doing my PhD under the Univeristy of Ferrara, University of Aalborg and Fondazione Edmund Mach on a project based on the integration of multi-‘omics approaches to investigate evolutionary and ecological aspects of the Alpine chamois with implications for conservation and management.

PhD project: CHAMOMICS: Multi-omics approach to the conservation and management of the Alpine chamois

Supervisor: Dr. Heidi Christine Hauffe and dr. Barbara Crestanello

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